Monday, August 19, 2019

Explore the marvelous benefits of a 1031 Exchange in Texas

Texas is popular for not imposing any state income tax and many real estate investors are attracted for the same reason. Even though there is no state tax imposition on the income arising from the sale of the property, landowners have to pay for the Federal taxes on the gains under specific situations. Selling a ranch Texas comes under the same provision. Most sellers are interested to know the prevailing tax implications and the possible ways to avoid such tax burden.
Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code is a boon to prospective investors who are planning to sell their farm or ranch in Texas. This innovative concept of tax deferment operates on the principle of profit rolling from the old to new. However, there is widespread ignorance about the modalities of this exchange for which almost 40% of the farm or ranch owners end up paying tax on their sale. 1031 Exchange Rule not only helps in effective tax savings but also makes it possible to swap property in a fair manner at a location preferred by the user.

So, how can you benefit from a 1031 Exchange?

In simple terms, 1031 The exchange allows a prospective investor to swap one investment or business asset for another and deferring the tax liability arising out of a sale. The sale of these assets would have otherwise incurred a tax liability under normal circumstances. However, it should be made clear that the 1031 Exchange is not for tax avoidance and only allows the investor to defer tax liability to a later date. The new income-generating property provides the investor with a double benefit, one from an added income from the farm or ranch and the other from tax deferment that would otherwise have gone to the Federal coffers.
Since the exchange is time-bound it requires the intervention of a Qualified Intermediary (QI) in connecting the buyer and the seller and to take all necessary steps to successfully carry the requirements of the 1031 Exchange Rule. The QI is responsible for structuring and guiding the Exchange, meeting all parameters and satisfying the goals of the client. The QI is in charge of preparing all documents, serving copies of the agreement to both the parties, providing novation agreement and escrow instructions.

Checklist for optimum use of the 1031 Exchange Rule

A brief checklist of the steps involved in a 1031 Exchange can help potential investors in gaining from the sale of an investment property. This checklist does not address all the issues relating to a Tax-Deferred Exchange but can be referred to as a brief overview of the concept.

i)        Review of the entire transaction with taxation or legal expert.
ii)       Contacting the Qualified Intermediary for initiating the Exchange transaction.
iii)     Entering into an assignable contract for selling the relinquished property.
iv)     Preparing the Exchange documents by the QI for the relinquished property sale.
v)      QI is assigned as a seller into the transaction to close the sale.
vi)     Initiation of the 45-days identification period and exchange period.
vii)   Identification of the replacement property by the midnight of the 45th day.
viii)  Entering into an assignable contract for purchasing the replacement property.
ix)     Preparing the necessary paperwork by the QI for the purchase.
x)      QI assigned into the transaction for closing the purchase.
xi)     Completion of the 1031 Exchange.

The concept of 1031 Exchange has revised and evolved over the years to safeguard the interest of both the investor and the Federal in the best possible manner. Therefore, is you are selling a ranch in Texas make sure to explore the beneficial options that you have at your disposal.

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